e l i s a s e n e s e
E l i s a S e n e s e
i n t e g r a t i v e t h e r a p y
Integrative healing sessions with Elisa embrace a combination of CranioSacral therapy, Qi Massage and Spiritual Wellness. It's a journey into your body where we listen to the stories of your body, intellect, and wisdom; bring back the message from your deepest self to integrate and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
body/mind alignment - balancing Qi flow
increase your sense of relaxation
change behaviour patterns - shift psychological issues
resolve family karma - spiritual cleansing
receive intuitive guidance to move forward
release physical restrictions
chronic pain - motor impairment - head/neck/back aches
insomnia - digestion - tension/stress - addiction
pre and post-partum work - TMJ -
neurological imbalances
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